Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Keep Pruning That Portfolio!

Your portfolio is like your garden.  It’s going to need pruning from time to time guys.  The longer you let the old stuff just sit, the more “outdated” it will seem is on that profile.

Case in point:  I recently went through my online exhibition of talents (aka Elance profile) and realized that for the longest time I’d been toting around the fact I’m “new to Elance”.  Uh uh.  Not so anymore.  In fact, if I hadn’t checked my profile and then adjusted it – there’s no telling how many missed opportunities there may have been after the fact. 

So, to put it short and sweet: never stop tweaking your portfolio and keep things updated.  It’s worth it.

Short post tonight folks.  And the news is good.  I’m good and I’m busy with a flood of awesome work, for awesome clients and on great projects!

Ahhh – the sheer fun of working for yourself.  You get to pick exactly the kinds of projects you want to work on.   


  1. I agree Fareen! Keep up what you love to do and the rest will all fall into place! Love your blog, and keep it up! :)

  2. Hi Fareen,
    This is ahmed from lahore i m looking for technology writers , If you are interested kindly mail me at ahmadbilal@live.com

    Ahmad Bilal
